Friday, December 3, 2010

'10 Holiday Gift Giving List :: #2

I have a thing for legwarmers.  Last Christmas, when I told my mom I wanted legwarmers she nearly fell over; I haven't always been so fond of them... apparently.  She reminded me of when I was in kinder garden and pretty much refused to wear them.

As I've aged, I realized that it's the cold that I'm not too fond of.  Legwarmers aren't just cute, they are functional.  I actually wear them under my dress pants at work.  Some of my co-workers wear Cuddl Duds, but I can't seem to spare the excess (2mm) bulk of such; I need all the room I can get.  Perhaps I'll resolve to do something about that come new years...

In the meantime, I'm going to love, love, love leg warmers.  I especially love these I♥Sweater Legwarmers from MountainGirlClothing on Etsy.

Margaret of MountainGirlClothing has quite the array of legwarmers all made of upcycled sweaters!!  What a superb idea.  I can't really say that I would wear these knitted hearts as a sweater, but I would certainly sport these spats!

Please do check out Margaret's eco friendly wears including tees, tops, skirts, pants, etc.  She's even running a sale on neck warmers until the 21st. 

Happy Shopping and Holidays to all!

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