Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Etsy Treasuries by la Naváa

Etsy by definition is a site to enable people to make a living making things,
 and to reconnect makers with buyers.

Their mission is to build a new economy and present a better choice:
Buy, Sell, and Live Handmade.

I am a firm believer in Etsy's mission statement, which is why I choose Etsy as my primary shop for la Naváa.  Hours are spent during my week, perusing the newest items on Etsy.  I like knowing where these little treasures are made, and even better who made them! 

Most of my jewelry creations are one of a kind items, or OOAK as known on Etsy.  All of my items are handmade by me; this is what Etsy thrives on.  I hope you stop by Etsy to take a peak at all the wonderful art and work people have made; individuals, like you and me, doing what they love!  What a wonderful thing to support!

Here are a few of the Treasuries I have created on Etsy to showcase brilliant work that is created by hand.

Hope you enjoy!
♥ Meg


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